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Heart Bomb 2019: Spread the Love for Historic Places

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Reposted from National Trust for Historic Preservation:

Heart Bomb example
Members of Buffalo's Young Preservationists helped initiate the heart bomb concept

What are heart bombs? They are love letters to historic places that appear at historic sites nationwide, on local landmarks, and around places both safe and threatened.

And now that February is soon upon us, we're once again inviting you to join our movement of love and take part in a national heart bomb. Unfamiliar with the concept? It's simple, really. Heart bombing is the act of showering an older or historic place with tangible expressions of affection and devotion—preferably with lots of other place-lovers in tow.

Your reasons for participating might vary. Maybe you dig a particular building, or your town, or your community's greater history. Maybe you love bringing people together around a good cause. Or maybe you just love glitter. No matter your reasons, the beauty of heart bombing is its fun and ease. What follows are the essential steps, but we encourage improvisation!

  • Read "How to Host a Successful Heart Bomb Event."

  • Buy your basic, elementary-school art supplies.

  • Gather a group of people who are passionate about saving a place.

  • Make big Valentines for the place you love.

  • Use glitter. Lots of it.

  • Take your Valentines and either affix them to the place, or stand in front of it holding your declarations of love. (Note: Not sure if you can legally access the property? Then go with the latter option!)

  • Take pictures. Lots of them. Especially of your smiling faces in front of the bedazzled location.

  • Share all those pictures on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. with the hashtag #IHeartSavingPlaces.

So snag some glitter, pick your place, and sing its praises to the world! Good luck and have fun.

We'll be back next year for more Heart Bombs!


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