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Historic Preservation
Regional Groups
DCPD Documents
Directory of Trades and Services for Historic Preservation

April 1, 2023

Delaware County Heritage Commission has created a directory of businesses that work with historic buildings. It is useful to all owners and managers of historic buildings.

Click the button for an interactive flipbook of the Directory you can download. Paper copies are available at the Delaware County Planning Department.

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Maintaining Your Historic Home: A Practical Guide for Homeowners

March 12, 2018

A guide for all homeowners and stewards of historic buildings, this document, published by the Delaware County Planning Department, explores all parts of the building and gives straightforward and important advice on how to maintain, repair, and restore your house.

Preservation PA- How to Protect and Preserve the Historic Places That Matter to You

April 02, 2019

This four-part document is intended to provide you with the information and tools that you may need to make informed decisions about your historic preservation project.  Our goal is not to discourage you from embarking on a project, but rather to encourage you to think it all the way through before jumping in.  Preservation Pennsylvania staff is, as always, here to help you.  We hope you enjoy this How To guide and find it useful. Click to sign up for emails to get your free copy.

National Trust for Historic Preservation- This Place Matters Toolkit

April 02, 2019

This Place Matters is national campaign that encourages people to celebrate the places that are meaningful to them and to their communities. Ready to tell the world about a place that makes your heart beat faster? These tips and tools are here to get you started

Penn Praxis- Neighborhood Preservation Toolkit

February 28, 2019

PennPraxis helped convene a series of small-scale neighborhood conversations for residents to discuss a broad range of issues related to preserving and maintaining parts of the city that residents hold dear. 

The Toolkit itself is broken into five sections organized by outcomes, or perspectives, which include: caring for an older home, improving and maintaining design quality and character, strengthening and sustaining small businesses and commercial corridors, learning and sharing history, and creating change and influencing policy. Overall, the project is meant to expand conversations about neighborhood assets from the somewhat narrower disciplines of historic preservation to the broader notion of neighborhood preservation.

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ECHO Brochure

April 20, 2018

Brochure created by Destination Delco for the Eastern Coalition of Historic Organizations- Radnor, Haverford, Upper Darby, Newtown, Marple

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Year of Mills 2019 Brochure 1

June 01, 2019

First printing of County-wide brochure for mill-related activities, talks, events and displays

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Year of Mills 2019 Brochure 2

August 01, 2019

Second printing of County-wide brochure for mill-related activities, talks, events and displays

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Finding the Funding


A list of funding sources for Historic Preservation with eligibility criteria.

Originally presented at a 2003 Heritage Commission Seminar, it has been updated with links and details in 2021.

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DCPD Historic Preservation Plan

January 31, 2018

The Historic Preservation Plan intends to capture the essence of the variety of historic resources in the County and seeks to better understand how to best identify, prioritize, and protect them. The Plan incorporates information on known historic resources and countywide history, shares preservation planning strategies, and identifies actions that will further the role of the County and its municipalities as good stewards of our rich heritage, and help to incorporate historic resources into what makes our communities thrive.

This plan is a component of Delaware County 2035, the County’s comprehensive plan.

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DCPD Historic Preservation Plan- Executive Summary

January 31, 2018

The Historic Preservation Plan intends to capture the essence of the variety of historic resources in the County and seeks to better understand how to best identify, prioritize, and protect them. The Plan incorporates information on known historic resources and countywide history, shares preservation planning strategies, and identifies actions that will further the role of the County and its municipalities as good stewards of our rich heritage, and help to incorporate historic resources into what makes our communities thrive.

This plan is a component of Delaware County 2035, the County’s comprehensive plan.

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Preservation Primer

April 05, 2019

Understanding the Basics of Historic Preservation. Brochure from DCPD. What is Historic Preservation? Why Preserve? How to Preserve? Preservation Tools. Updated 2019.

Public History Study

February 04, 2011

Final report of the Delaware County Public History Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan written by Heritage Consulting Inc. 

DCHPN Minutes- January 2018- Steering Cmte

January 25, 2018

Minutes of planning meeting in January 2018

DCHPN Minutes April 2018- Steering Cmte

April 25, 2018

Minutes of April DCHPN Meeting

DCHPN Minutes June 2018- Promote HP with Muni

June 25, 2018

Minutes of June DCHPN Meeting

'How to promote Historic Preservation with your Municipality'

DCHPN Minutes- October 2018- Volunteers

October 03, 2018

Minutes from presentation Building and Supporting a Volunteer Program at Your Site by Jessica Shahan, Volunteer  Coordinator at Newlin Grist Mill. Read in conjunction with PowerPoint presentation

DCHPN Minutes- February 2019- Steering Cmte

February 27, 2019

Minutes for February's Steering Committee meeting- Mills, ADA Compliance, Topics for this year's meetings

DCHPN Minutes- June 2019- Grants

June 26, 2019

Ann Tydeman-Solomon of Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania led a grant-writing workshop and provided several resources for finding grants and applying for them. Handouts are available on There is also 'Finding the Funding' on the Publications page. 

DCHPN Minutes- September 2019- Sharing Stories that Inspire Action

September 25, 2019

Everyone has a story - but not all stories inspire others. Effective leaders develop a "Public Narrative" comprising a Story of Self (unique to you), a Story of Us (about your community's shared values), and a Story of Now (about an urgent challenge that needs to be faced). Your Public Narrative will evolve over time as your community changes and your work shifts. A public narrative can be shared in many different ways - ranging from public speeches to press releases and social media. 

These minutes should be used in conjunction with the guide and worksheet here 

DCHPN Minutes- November 2019- Economic Feasibility of Historic Preservation

November 25, 2019

Shelley Ashfield presentation. How can we forecast economic conditions and trends for historic properties? What tools are available to help you identify your historic property? What regulations are in place to preserve local properties? How do building conservation, preventative maintenance, and adaptive re-use figure into the picture? Local expertise from the Delaware County Planning Department will be on hand for question-and-answer after the photo presentation.

Economic Feasibility of Preserving Historic Properties

November 25, 2019

PowerPoint Presentation for November DCHPN meeting

DCHPN Minutes- January 2020- Steering Committee

January 29, 2020

Minutes from the first meeting for DCHPN to plan what is going on this year. Donna Harris of Heritage Consulting Inc, will present "Learning from the Camden County Heritage Tourism Plan."

DCHPN Meeting January 2024 with America250PADelco

January 31, 2024

Presentation and workshop with Andrea Silva, director of America250PADelco to help prepare our historic groups for 2026.

DCHPN Minutes

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