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Keith Lockhart

Tinicum Township new homes with "spacious closets" !!

I'm hoping one of my readers recognizes this picture of Smith's Landing in Tinicum. I bought a number of glass negatives of Tinicum several years ago and this is one I can not identify. Any help would be appreciated.

NOTE: While working on another project I came across this article on Essington and the new town being built, Westinghouse Village. The description of the houses is a riot! Please read


New Homes

Essington, Delaware County, is a lovely town site, situated on the highest ground that can be found between Darby Creek and the Delaware River, located on a large tract of land owned by the Westinghouse Electric Manufacturing Company, and lies 4 miles from this city, and 10 miles from the City Hall, Philadelphia, on the Chester (Subway) Short Line.

The new town site is beautifully erected and is intended to house many engineers, mechanics and other employees of the Westinghouse. After the economic and social affairs of the residents are considered in the heart of this new town, wide and paved streets, cement walks, parks for playgrounds and athletic sports, churches, schools, stores, gardens, flower beds and attractive, modern and comfortable houses.

The houses are constructed of brick and concrete, and contain four, five, six and seven rooms. These rooms, lighted by electricity, modern fixtures, neatly decorated. Each bedroom contains a spacious closet.

The equipment of the bath room is white porcelain throughout. A large supply of hot water, during the winter months, is assured as the hot water tank is connected with the hot air furnace, located in the cemented and dry cellar. A gas jet is attached to the water tank for use during the summer months.

The kitchen and its equipment of a combination coal and gas range, large pantry, porcelain sink, and two stationary wash tubs are so arranged that no time is lost in preparing a dinner or doing a family washing.

The large back yard can be divided into a garden and a grass plot depending upon the choice of the tenant.

Essington’s history is in the making as only part of the comprehensive plan is completed, it now has a population of nearly 3000. The various improvements contemplated for this progressive town will be gradual as it is a permanent town and will grow in size with the development of the large and modern industrial plant known as the Essington Works on the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., which is located just across the way.

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