CHESTER TIMES – March 4, 1902
One of Delaware County’s Beautiful Suburban Towns – How the Borough Grows
Lansdowne does not owe its development to any extent to land speculators, but rather to the gradual assembling of suburbanites who make their livelihood in Philadelphia. The land is high, and residences in this district are almost on a level with the statue of William Penn, perched upon the tower of the City Hall.
The pioneer of building operations in Lansdown was John McConaghy. About five years ago he erected a group of handsome residence. This experiment was very successful. The Edward T. Bishop, a local builder, did some very creditable work in this line.
Quite recently real estate men, recognizing the possibilities of this place so favored by position, healthfulness and natural beauty of topography, have erected at intervals more than 100 artistically finished homes.
A PLACE FOR PRETTY HOMES – Several years ago Gorman & Ryan instituted quite a boom in Lansdowne Heights and Edwin L. Price at Lansdowne Park. Immediate development did not follow, because transportation facilities were not then in an inviting condition. Since that time this disability has been removed.
Charles Prettyman built not long ago a number of pretty residences in Lansdowne Park, and Lansdowne Heights is fast improving mainly through private enterprise.
The Roman Catholic congregation of St. Philomena a little over a year ago built a handsome stone edifice of Romanesque style at Baltimore and Gibbons Avenues. As soon as their funds have reached the requisite amount a parochial school and a convent are to be erected. Rowland Boyle, the architect who designed the church will in all likelihood prepare the plans for the new structures.
Last April the final touches were put to the fine Gothic grey stone church known as St. John’s P.E., located on Baltimore Avenue, near west Lansdowne avenue.
Besides these edifices there is the Lansdowne Baptist Church at Lansdowne and East Lacrosse Avenues; the Lansdowne M.E. Church, with its attractive windows at Lansdowne and West Stratford Avenues, and the First Presbyterian on Lansdowne Avenue, northwest of Stewart, organized May 26, 1887.
The educational facilities are exceptionally good. Lansdowne has a school system and a high school that are models for all Delaware County. To this high school flock the youth from a wide circuit of neighboring villages The West Chester branch of the Pennsylvania railroad had such an increase of traffic from this community that the directors had a handsome new station built during the last year.